Alphabetical List of 2020 Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival Official Selections:
#Jessica - Kenzie Bugg, Rob Thompson (USA)
100,000 Acres of Pine - Jennifer Alice Wright (Denmark)
4:3 - Ross Hogg (United Kingdom)
A Family That Steals Dogs - John C. Kelley (USA)
A Job as the Moon - Jim Doran (USA)
Abstract Animals - Dana Sink (USA / Macedonia)
All is Lost - Adam Davies (USA)
Asexual Aromantic - Vivian Soler (USA)
Average Happiness - Maja Gehrig (Switzerland)
Bela - Nick Simpson (Australia)
Beyond Noh - Patrick Smith (USA)
Black Sheep Boy - James Molle (France)
Carrousel - Jasmine Elsen (Belgium)
Catgot - Ho Tsz Wing (Hong Kong)
Chado - Dominica Harrison (United Kingdom)
Ciervo - Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma (USA)
Combust - Tyler Washington (USA)
Condolences from the Vulgar Tongue or (Boner) - Christina Fidler (USA)
Cosmonaut - Kaspar Jancis (Estonia)
CRAZY - Inari Sirola (United Kingdom)
Cyan - Emeka Perkins-Johnson (USA)
Dinner Time - Kate Renshaw-Lewis (USA)
Don't Know What - Thomas Renoldner (Austria)
Doomsday Princess - Alyssa Ragni (USA)
Duodrom - Basil Vogt (Switzerland)
Edge - Steven Subotnick (USA)
Escape Velocity - Tamás Rebák (Hungary)
Carne (Flesh) - Camila Kater (Brazil)
Florigami - Iva ĆIRIĆ (Croatia)
Freeze Frame - Soetkin Verstegen (Belgium)
Gaku - Xueyan Wang (China)
Ghosts - PARK Jee-youn (Republic of Korea)
Goldfish - Daniel Zvereff (USA)
Hack Attack - Jasmine Soompholphakdy (USA)
Hit and Run - Hannah Brewerton (United Kingdom)
Home - Anita Bruvere (United Kingdom)
Hot Dogs - Owen Roberts (USA)
Icosohedral Interfacing - Kevin Blackistone (USA)
In My Particular Case - Chico Jofilsan (Uruguay)
Inside me - Maria Trigo Teixeira (Germany)
Intro - Josh Conn (USA)
Ju Ren - Henry Zhuang, Harry Zhuang (Singapore)
Kapaemahu - Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer, Joe WIlson (USA)
KKUM - Kang Min Kim (Republic of Korea / USA)
Knife Hanging From A Tree - JiHee Nam (Republic of Korea / USA)
Lah gah (Letting go) - Cécile Brun (Switzerland)
LAX to Vancouver - Zach Dorn (USA / Canada)
Leaf - Aliona Baranova (Czech Republic)
Little Miss Fate - Joder von Rotz (Switzerland)
Lizard Ladder - Ted Wiggin (USA)
Luge - Mickaël Dupré (France)
Maggie Dave - I'm Not Ready - Cassie Shao (USA)
Man's Best Friend - Christopher Rutledge, Thomas Goulet (USA)
Misery Loves Company - Sasha Lee (Republic of Korea / USA)
My Galactic Twin Galaction - Sasha Svirsky (Russian Federation)
NAUSEA - Subien Han (Republic of Korea)
Needs - Julia Lerch (Hungary)
Night Lights - Hannah Churn, Todd Churn (USA)
Night Shift - Linda Stūre (Latvia)
No Other One - Asaki Nishino (Japan)
Pick Your Poison - Zoe Pham (USA)
Pile - Toby Auberg (United Kingdom)
Polka-dot Boy - Sarina Nihei (France)
Portrait of a Woman - Natalia Durszewicz (Poland)
Powerwash (i love you) - Rory Waudby-Tolley (United Kingdom)
Pulsator - Thor Sivertsen (Norway)
Purpleboy - Alexandre Siqueira (Portugal / Belgium / France)
Quack Quack Quack - Gabriel Chez (USA)
Rock Cowboys - Graham Mason (USA)
Rock, Paper, Thistle - Gina Kamentsky (USA)
Schast'e (Happiness) - Andrey Zhidkov (Russian Federation)
Sea Moss - Appease the Peas, Please - Arius Ziaee (USA)
Seed Supreme - Jack Maschka (USA)
Serial Parallels - Max Hattler (Hong Kong / Germany)
Shadow Passage - Ali Aschman (United Kingdom)
Soft Friends - Nick McKernan (USA)
SOLA - Zoltán Debreczeni (Hungary)
Spillover - Ruth Huang (Singapore)
Standard Operating Procedure - Eli Ayres (USA)
Symbiosis - Nadja Andrasev (France)
Symmetry - Isabella Potenziani (USA)
Taste The Universe - Noah Sterling (USA)
Terror Fervor - Phoebe Parsons (Canada)
The Colossus - Brandt Matthews (USA)
The Ephemeral Orphanage - Lisa Barcy (USA)
The Fire Next Time - Renaldho Pelle (United Kingdom)
The Five Stages - Taylor Steen (USA)
The Wellspring and the Tower - Melinda Kádár (Hungary)
The Wind - Miranda Javid (USA)
Time o´ the Signs - Reinhold Bidner (Austria)
Trepanation - Nick Flaherty (USA)
Un diable dans la poche - Antoine Bonnet, Mathilde Loubes (France)
Untitled Land - Elliot Spence (USA)
Pračka (Washing Machine) - Alexandra Májová (Czech Republic)
We are Alone - Matthew Minchello (USA)
Where am I? - Cheng Qiu (China / United Kingdom)
White Horse - Yujie Xu (China / United Kingdom)
Yes-People - Gísli Darri Halldórsson (Iceland)
#Jessica - Kenzie Bugg, Rob Thompson (USA)
100,000 Acres of Pine - Jennifer Alice Wright (Denmark)
4:3 - Ross Hogg (United Kingdom)
A Family That Steals Dogs - John C. Kelley (USA)
A Job as the Moon - Jim Doran (USA)
Abstract Animals - Dana Sink (USA / Macedonia)
All is Lost - Adam Davies (USA)
Asexual Aromantic - Vivian Soler (USA)
Average Happiness - Maja Gehrig (Switzerland)
Bela - Nick Simpson (Australia)
Beyond Noh - Patrick Smith (USA)
Black Sheep Boy - James Molle (France)
Carrousel - Jasmine Elsen (Belgium)
Catgot - Ho Tsz Wing (Hong Kong)
Chado - Dominica Harrison (United Kingdom)
Ciervo - Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma (USA)
Combust - Tyler Washington (USA)
Condolences from the Vulgar Tongue or (Boner) - Christina Fidler (USA)
Cosmonaut - Kaspar Jancis (Estonia)
CRAZY - Inari Sirola (United Kingdom)
Cyan - Emeka Perkins-Johnson (USA)
Dinner Time - Kate Renshaw-Lewis (USA)
Don't Know What - Thomas Renoldner (Austria)
Doomsday Princess - Alyssa Ragni (USA)
Duodrom - Basil Vogt (Switzerland)
Edge - Steven Subotnick (USA)
Escape Velocity - Tamás Rebák (Hungary)
Carne (Flesh) - Camila Kater (Brazil)
Florigami - Iva ĆIRIĆ (Croatia)
Freeze Frame - Soetkin Verstegen (Belgium)
Gaku - Xueyan Wang (China)
Ghosts - PARK Jee-youn (Republic of Korea)
Goldfish - Daniel Zvereff (USA)
Hack Attack - Jasmine Soompholphakdy (USA)
Hit and Run - Hannah Brewerton (United Kingdom)
Home - Anita Bruvere (United Kingdom)
Hot Dogs - Owen Roberts (USA)
Icosohedral Interfacing - Kevin Blackistone (USA)
In My Particular Case - Chico Jofilsan (Uruguay)
Inside me - Maria Trigo Teixeira (Germany)
Intro - Josh Conn (USA)
Ju Ren - Henry Zhuang, Harry Zhuang (Singapore)
Kapaemahu - Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer, Joe WIlson (USA)
KKUM - Kang Min Kim (Republic of Korea / USA)
Knife Hanging From A Tree - JiHee Nam (Republic of Korea / USA)
Lah gah (Letting go) - Cécile Brun (Switzerland)
LAX to Vancouver - Zach Dorn (USA / Canada)
Leaf - Aliona Baranova (Czech Republic)
Little Miss Fate - Joder von Rotz (Switzerland)
Lizard Ladder - Ted Wiggin (USA)
Luge - Mickaël Dupré (France)
Maggie Dave - I'm Not Ready - Cassie Shao (USA)
Man's Best Friend - Christopher Rutledge, Thomas Goulet (USA)
Misery Loves Company - Sasha Lee (Republic of Korea / USA)
My Galactic Twin Galaction - Sasha Svirsky (Russian Federation)
NAUSEA - Subien Han (Republic of Korea)
Needs - Julia Lerch (Hungary)
Night Lights - Hannah Churn, Todd Churn (USA)
Night Shift - Linda Stūre (Latvia)
No Other One - Asaki Nishino (Japan)
Pick Your Poison - Zoe Pham (USA)
Pile - Toby Auberg (United Kingdom)
Polka-dot Boy - Sarina Nihei (France)
Portrait of a Woman - Natalia Durszewicz (Poland)
Powerwash (i love you) - Rory Waudby-Tolley (United Kingdom)
Pulsator - Thor Sivertsen (Norway)
Purpleboy - Alexandre Siqueira (Portugal / Belgium / France)
Quack Quack Quack - Gabriel Chez (USA)
Rock Cowboys - Graham Mason (USA)
Rock, Paper, Thistle - Gina Kamentsky (USA)
Schast'e (Happiness) - Andrey Zhidkov (Russian Federation)
Sea Moss - Appease the Peas, Please - Arius Ziaee (USA)
Seed Supreme - Jack Maschka (USA)
Serial Parallels - Max Hattler (Hong Kong / Germany)
Shadow Passage - Ali Aschman (United Kingdom)
Soft Friends - Nick McKernan (USA)
SOLA - Zoltán Debreczeni (Hungary)
Spillover - Ruth Huang (Singapore)
Standard Operating Procedure - Eli Ayres (USA)
Symbiosis - Nadja Andrasev (France)
Symmetry - Isabella Potenziani (USA)
Taste The Universe - Noah Sterling (USA)
Terror Fervor - Phoebe Parsons (Canada)
The Colossus - Brandt Matthews (USA)
The Ephemeral Orphanage - Lisa Barcy (USA)
The Fire Next Time - Renaldho Pelle (United Kingdom)
The Five Stages - Taylor Steen (USA)
The Wellspring and the Tower - Melinda Kádár (Hungary)
The Wind - Miranda Javid (USA)
Time o´ the Signs - Reinhold Bidner (Austria)
Trepanation - Nick Flaherty (USA)
Un diable dans la poche - Antoine Bonnet, Mathilde Loubes (France)
Untitled Land - Elliot Spence (USA)
Pračka (Washing Machine) - Alexandra Májová (Czech Republic)
We are Alone - Matthew Minchello (USA)
Where am I? - Cheng Qiu (China / United Kingdom)
White Horse - Yujie Xu (China / United Kingdom)
Yes-People - Gísli Darri Halldórsson (Iceland)